"Buy 4 Me" aims to simplify overseas shopping by calculating total cost on products , shipping and taxes from goods abroad.Send us the product you wish to order , we'll give you the full cost on the product , Once the payment is made ,your order would be processed and you'll be given a tracking number once available .We'll also update you via emails or sms . Once your package arrives and has cleared by customs officials , you can have your package delivered straight to your door step or pick up at our office or payment agencies . Payments can be made via Online Bank Transfers , Paywise , Wipay , Endcash , Instore and Our Payment Agents
Shop from any online merchant . Calculate your shipping and clearance fee using our online calculator app .Send us the link or screen-capture via whats app (18687026378 or email us (
Payments can be made using our payment agents or using Paywise , Bank Transfers , Bank Deposits WIPAY , Endcash & In Our Offices . Once a payment is received and recorded a receipt and invoice would be issued , Your order would ten be placed . Orders can take a period of 2-weeks .
Receive Your Packages
Once your packages has been cleared by customs officials you can pick up your packages at our offices or request to have them delivered to you .
Office : 1343 S.S Erin Road Penal , City Centre Mall .
Please Note : Customers would be required to pay a delivery fee once it's requested .